Labex life

Meeting with Labex doctoral and post-doctoral students

© Leïla Shahshahani

On Thursday April 7, Labex ITTEM organized a meeting with the doctoral and post-doctoral students it supports, from Grenoble Alpes and Savoie Mont Blanc Universities or Inrae.

The meeting took place at the Maison des Sciences de l’Homme-Alpes, where the Labex team is based. The event, initiated by Jean-Baptiste Grison, provided an opportunity to strengthen ties within the community of young researchers working on mountain issues in the field of human and social sciences, and to learn more about each other’s work.

It was also an opportunity to present the 2022 edition of the Mountain Research School, the first edition of which took place last year, and which will once again take the form of an itinerancy in the Ecrins massif; and to discuss other initiatives devised by Labex (post)doctoral students, such as the Residence for Young Researchers organized in Gresse-en-Vercors by the Perce-Neige collective last November.

Visit the dedicated page to find out more about some of Labex ITTEM’s current theses.