Labex life

Labex on a European road tour

© Stefano Sala

From June 15 to 17, the University of Milan’s Unimont Center in Edolo hosted a series of meetings organized in collaboration with the Lombardy Region as part of the European Union’s Strategy for the Alpine Region (Suera/Eusalp) on the subject of policies to promote a sustainable future in mountain areas.

It was in this context, and as part of the activities carried out jointly by universities in the Alpine arc, that Raffaella Balzarini, in charge of international cooperation at Labex ITTEM and representative of Grenoble Alpes University, presented the Transtat project on June 16.

Led by researcher Emmanuelle George from the Lessem laboratory (Inrae), the Transtat project is based on pilot areas in the Alps, and focuses on participatory processes for the transition of ski areas, carried out in close collaboration with the populations concerned. The results will be made available to all resorts wishing to reflect on their socio-economic transitions.