Project life

How do you age in the mountains?

© Florent Cholat

At the time of Covid-19, Florent Cholat proposes to look back at the question through contributions from the seminar “Vieillir hors les villes, vieillir en montagne” organized in 2017 in Grenoble. This work, which can be consulted on the Carnets du Labex ITTEM, is part of the VIVEHab research project.

In these territories strongly constrained by seasonality and accessibility, issues such as health, housing or access to food occupy a crucial place. “The COVID-19 crisis not only raises questions about the possible amplification of situations of social exclusion for the elderly in contexts where the risk of isolation and the development of related psychopathologies is already high, but also about what the experience of the elderly in the mountains can teach us about the risks associated with isolation, and how the most vulnerable in all our territories can adapt to this exceptional situation “, explains Florent Cholat.