Mountain Research School

Every year, Labex OSUG and ITTEM organize a summer school for PhD students from Grenoble Alpes and Savoie Mont Blanc universities working on mountain issues in the heart of the Écrins massif.

An interdisciplinary course, the Mountain Research School offers immersion in the field in the high mountains; roaming from hut to hut, or leaving from the Jardin du Lautaret at 2100 meters altitude, the heart of scientific research dedicated to the effects of climate change and human practices on mountain ecosystems.

By providing an opportunity for teacher-researchers and doctoral students from both the earth and environmental sciences and the humanities and social sciences to come together, the Mountain Research School enables a cross-fertilization of viewpoints and work practices on a variety of themes: the future of glaciers, the role of mountain huts, the sharing of space…

The aim of this training program is to give doctoral students a more global and contemporary view of mountain issues in their future work, and to enable them to interact more effectively with local stakeholders dealing with global changes (climate, resources, biodiversity, etc.) on a daily basis.

From a collaborative research perspective, the Mountain Research School is helping to build the Lautaret-Oisans Long term socio ecosystem research (LTSER) platform within the European eLTER project.

The Mountain Research School is aimed primarily at PhD students from Labex ITTEM and OSUG partner laboratories, but is open to all PhD students whose research topic has a direct link with the mountains. It may be recognized as part of the doctoral training program. Labex covers the costs of supervision, accommodation and meals, with the exception of transport to Grenoble (departure by bus from Grenoble).

Contacts :
Jean-Baptiste Grison (ITTEM):; 04 76 74 89 81
Salima Alidra (OSUG):; 04 56 52 09 04

Photo credits: © Vincent Martin, @Ostiane Chaboisson