Launch of Labex ITTEM 3.0

After two successive programs (2011-2019 and 2020-2024), the year 2025 marks a new turning point for Labex ITTEM, whose renewal has been approved by the Université Grenoble Alpes until 2032.

Since its launch in 2011, Labex ITTEM has fostered collaborations between seven and then nine laboratories at Grenoble Alpes University (UGA), Savoie Mont Blanc University (USMB) and INRAE, creating an interdisciplinary mountain research community. The latter brings together more than 120 researchers representing 14 human and social sciences disciplines: sociology, economics, geography, law, history, communication and planning….

From January 2025, five new SHS research laboratories will join Labex ITTEM 3.0, broadening the range of disciplines represented and skills that can be mobilized.

The initial scientific objective of Labex ITTEM was to examine the innovative capacity of mountain areas, often considered to be “on the margins” compared with other areas. In the current project, this objective has been extended to the issue of sustainable transitions, by reconsidering the effects and role of innovations in transforming societal practices and policies.

The new project (2025-2032) will take a closer look at the sustainability of territorial transitions in the mountains, against a backdrop of growing socio-environmental uncertainties linked to climate change: conflicts of use around water resources, extreme meteorological phenomena, crisis in the socio-economic model of ski resorts, etc. New thematic axes will structure the project, reflecting major scientific questions in contemporary studies of transitions in SHS.

The aim of the Labex ITTEM 3.0 launch seminar, open to all, will be to present these new scientific directions in the light of the work carried out to date, in the presence of current and new Labex ITTEM members. It will take place on December 12 and 13, 2024, on the Saint-Martin-d’Hères campus (Imag building),

A more global perspective on mountain issues and transition will be offered during the inaugural lecture by Valérie Masson-Delmotte, paleoclimatologist, member of the Haut Conseil pour le Climat and former member of the IPCC, and Nicolas Nova, anthropologist at the Haute école d’art et de design de Genève and author of the book Fragments d’une montagne.

The second day of the event will be aimed more specifically at Labex ITTEM’s scientific community.

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Discover the program of these days: