Call for projects

Discover Labex ITTEM’s new calls for projects

Atelier pédagogique dans le Vercors avec des étudiants de Master

Labex ITTEM has just launched its 2023 Call for Projects campaign:

A call for “training” projects

This is aimed at all Master’s courses in the humanities and social sciences linked to the laboratories involved in Labex ITTEM. The projects supported are designed to enable students to become familiar with the issues associated with the transition of mountain territories. They help to forge links between teaching and research, as well as between universities and mountain regions. The projects funded will be carried out during the 2023-2024 academic year.

Deadline for project submission: April 11, 2023

A call for “research” projects

Exploratory or consolidated research projects, lasting a maximum of 18 months, will aim to analyze the forms and processes of transformations in mountain territories from a transition perspective. They will fall within the scope of one or more of the four themes of the ITTEM 2020-2024 project:

  • Transformation of the relationship with nature, public action and management of mountain environments
  • Transitions in tourism and recreation
  • Territorialities of transition: mobility, energy, communications
  • Mountains as “demonstrators

Project submission deadline: May 30, 2023

Details of these calls for projects and application forms can be found in the dedicated section.