
Dialogue des sciences: a day of meetings

How can we bring the life and earth sciences and the humanities and social sciences into closer dialogue, so as to gain a more comprehensive understanding of contemporary challenges? This is the aim of the 2nd Rencontres interdisciplinaires, to be held on October 20, 2022, at the initiative of Zone Atelier Alpes and Labex ITTEM.

Based on examples of existing collaborations, which will be presented by pairs of researchers, other avenues of interdisciplinary research may be explored during the discussions, particularly during the “project café” session.

A workshop on the monitoring and support of young interdisciplinary researchers will also be offered, particularly for co-supervisors of theses or post-doctorates from different disciplinary fields.

In addition, Guillaume Corradino – Managing Director of Euromontana and guest speaker at this year’s event – will provide a technical perspective on the practical application of interdisciplinarity in mountain areas, and on project opportunities and set-ups with decision-makers and public authorities on a European scale. He will also be available to answer participants’ questions during the Project Café.

The seminar will take place at the Maison des Sciences de l’Homme-Alpes, on the Grenoble campus (Saint-Martin-d’Hères).

Detailed program on the Zone Atelier Alpes website