Labex life

Co-funded research: scientific and ethical issues

© Philippe Bourdeau

On the occasion of the seminar “Co-financing research projects in partnership: practicalities, scientific and ethical issues” on June 2, 2020, Zone Atelier Alpes and Labex ITTEM jointly reflected on the challenges of co-financed research.

At a time when the question of the social utility of research is being raised, and faced with the growing difficulties it encounters in obtaining support from traditional organizations, how can its co-financing by new partners coincide with its quality and independence?

Several speakers shared their experiences: the director and president of the Fondation pour la recherche sur la biodiversité, the co-director of the Zone Atelier Territoires Uranifères, and two researchers who are members of both the ZAA and Labex ITTEM.

[PDF] Read the summary of the seminar and discussions.