Approved courses

Labex ITTEM’s mission is to provide training and strengthen the link between research and training. It reinforces its own themes and issues through support for initial training, while defending an original approach: interdisciplinarity, strong links with society, social, cultural and economic players and local areas.


Since 2021, Labex has been forging partnerships through a “training” label designed to promote Master’s degree courses addressing the issue of transition in mountain territories. More generally, it also aims to develop training and research on mountain issues in the human and social sciences.

See the text of thecall for expressions of interest [pdf]

Master’s degree in mountain law and sustainable development

Savoie Mont Blanc and Grenoble Alpes Universities

Created in 1986, this course is unique in France and Europe. Now run by the Université Savoie Mont Blanc in partnership with the Université Grenoble Alpes, it aims to equip students with the skills they need to integrate quickly into the network of major players in mountain law. It also facilitates their access to the diversity of mountain professions. Thanks to presentations by mountain law specialists, the course combines legal techniques with a “hands-on” approach.

Master of Applied History

Grenoble Alpes University

The Applied History: Society, Environment, Territories course develops skills in the historical analysis of how societies function, past and present, and past in the present. It aims to develop the ability to mobilize historical knowledge over the long term, in the service of understanding major societal issues.
Students are involved in applied research programs run by the laboratories, in particular those focusing on the social history of risks and the environment, the history of urban societies, the history of the economic development of territories, and the history of mobility and borders.