Science and society

And tomorrow in the Vercors?

On March 22, 2024, a round-table discussion in the Vercors will bring together a number of speakers to examine the dependence of mid-mountain regions on tourism and snow.

The event is part of the initiative Vercors, Quelles pistes d’avenir? A citizen’s weekend to imagine tomorrow, which takes place from March 22 to 24, 2024, and is structured around three key events in Autrans, Corrençon and Méaudre.

The round table, entitled ” Dependence on tourism and snow: what future for our mid-mountain regions? Hugues François, researcher at Lessem (Inrae), member of Labex ITTEM and specialist in mountain tourism development; Marion Patry from Cipra France (association for the protection and sustainable development of the Alps); Sébastien Favier from Afrat (training organization in Autrans); Philippe Bourdeau, professor emeritus at Grenoble Alpes University specializing in cultural geography issues related to mountain tourism and nature sports, and Didier Lalande, specialist in mountain tourism.

The round table will be moderated by Camille Rey Gorrez, director of Mountain Riders. It will take place on Friday March 22, 2024 at 8:30pm in Autrans (salle Molière at L’Escandille).The full program is available on the Vert&co website, partner of the event.

On Sunday March 24 at 6:30 pm, the Paroles du Vercors screening-debate will take place at the Méaudre village hall, featuring the film Transition, an anthropological raid in the Queyras, directed by researchers Yann Borgnet, high-mountain guide, and Mikaël Chambru, scientific co-coordinator of Labex ITTEM. After the screening, the discussion will be led by Blandine Damieux, tour guide and Vercors resident, and Jean-Baptiste Grison, geographer and Labex ITTEM project leader.