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Publications, calls for projects, training activities... Follow the daily life of Labex ITTEM and its members.

02 June 2021 | Labex life

Transition in all its forms

On April 8, 2021, the community of Labex ITTEM researchers examined the notion of “transition”, taking the time to introspect and define its contours through…

01 June 2021 | Labex life

Labex ITTEM expands internationally

Labex ITTEM is one of the world’s leading mountain resource centers in the humanities and social sciences. It maintains numerous links with foreign organizations and…

10 April 2020 | Labex life

A new project for Labex

Created in 2011, Labex ITEM became Labex ITTEM in 2020, for Innovations et TRANSITIONS Territoriales en Montagne. Transitions involve profound changes, transforming man’s relationship with…