Science and society

Access to nature: a symposium to take stock

© Coll. Lisa Belluco
Le 28 mars 2024 s’est tenu à l’Assemblé nationale le colloque "Accès à la nature : état des lieux et perspectives".

On Thursday, March 28, 2024, Alice Nikolli, geographer at the Edytem laboratory at Savoie Mont Blanc University, took part in the “Access to nature: state of play and prospects” symposium at the French National Assembly.

Alice Nikolli’s scientific work focuses on the appropriation and regulation of areas coveted for their landscape and recreational qualities, particularly in the mountains. As part of her ADN Librem research project, she is looking more specifically at access to nature and the tensions this issue raises in different territories, in the mountains and elsewhere.

She took part in the round table discussion “What is the state of this access in France?” alongside Fiona Mille, President of Mountain Wilderness France, and Michaël Weber, President of the Fédération des parcs naturels régionaux de France. In her speech, the researcher raised the misunderstandings resulting from the diversity of geographical situations encountered, the meaning given to the expression “access to nature” and the discrepancies between legal texts and their application in the field. These are all misunderstandings which, explains Alice Nikolli, tend to obscure the debate.

The event was organized at the initiative of Vienne MP Lisa Belluco (EELV) – and Isère MP Jérémie Iordanoff (EELV) – the day after her proposal to decriminalize access to nature was rejected by the FrenchNational Assembly.